Natalie Santiago

Registered Massage Practitioner.

Prenatal Therapist.

Sports Therapist.

Energy Worker.

More than 20 years of experience

Natalie Santiago, owner of 5D Massage Therapy based in Kent Island, MD

Get to Know Me

More than 20 years ago, I was living in Miami and just knew I wanted to help people feel their best by becoming a Physical Therapist. My plan was to attend Massage Therapy school first, then become a PT. After finishing massage school, I knew I found my passion.

My original training in Advanced Massage Therapy was DOUBLE the 600 hour requirements. 

I have worked with many different bodies over the years. From injured student athletes, to  attending the Cross-fit Games in 2016 with Cross-fit Soul Miami as their personal massage therapist.

I’m certified as a Prenatal Massage Therapist and have the joy of seeing how strong and resilient a mother’s body is as she grows a new life.

Moved to Kent Island in 2019, and have been building a strong relationship with the community, different Gyms, Chiropractors, and Physical Therapists, Acupuncturists, Reiki Practitioners, and other healers. 

It is important to have a great “Pit crew” for your body

Prenatal Massage Therapy in Kent Island, MD performed by Natalie Santiago in her studio.

Intake Process

First, you make an appointment. 

When you come into the office, I will do a brief verbal consultation with you and we will come up with a plan for your session together.

I will then work on you, while explaining some of the techniques I’m using and why they are beneficial to your specific needs.

When we are done, I will show you a few stretches you can use to maintain feeling great.

Our Bodies are like
External Hard Drives

Massage Therapy is a fascinating way of helping people heal. Everything that happens to us physically, and/or emotionally is stored creating an issue in our tissue. I love being able to change someone’s day completely by using the power of touch.

Areas of Expertise


Deep Tissue


Cranial Sacral


Guasha Scraping


Crystal Healing


Myofascial Release

“ Amazing! Natalie works well with your schedule, especially if you’re a busy, full-time working mother like me…and she knows how to fix your aches and pains. Natalie is so great at what she does, you can go a long amount of time without seeing her again. Highly recommend! ”


A customized session means you don’t have to choose just one style! A consultation is done each session to plan including multiple modalities.

You can start prenatal massages right away, and can Massage up to post-pregnancy as your body heals.

Yes you can, unless instructed not to by your Doctor.

After each session, we will review stretches that can help areas of concern.

Massage therapy is for all ages. If you are a minor, as long as a parent or guardian stays with you for the duration of the session, you can receive massage therapy!